Tanımı |
Tek komponentli, çimento bazlı, kristalize su yalıtım harcıdır. |
Kullanım Alanları |
Ham Beton veya Sıvalı Su Depoları, Havuzlar,Sarnıçlar veya Bodrumların iç ve dış yüzeylerinde, Zemine oturan döşemelerde, Temellerde,İstinat ve Perde Duvarlarında,Asansör boşluklarında zemin nemi ve sızıntı sularına karşı. Balkonlarda, beton çiçeklik içlerinde su geçirmez tabaka oluşturmak için; Kat aralarında Banyo, Mutfak, Tuvalet gibi ıslak hacimlerin zeminlerinde alt katlara su sızmalarını önlemek için, Galeri,Drenaj, ve Su Kanallarının izolasyonunda, Köprüler,Viyadükler ve Sanat yapıları üzerinde buz çözücü tuzlara karşı kaplama olarak kullanılır. |
Avantajlar |
Islak yüzeylere uygulanır. Suyun temas ettiği yönden (pozitif su basıncı) veya tersinden (negatif su basıncı) uygulanabilir. Ters yönden gelen suya ve rutubete karşı,dayanıklı bir kaplama oluşturur. Uygulandığı yapıyla bütünleşerek, aşınmayan, yırtılmayan, delinmeyen, yüzeyden ayrılmayan, eksiz ve kesintisiz su yalıtımı sağlar. Uygulaması pratiktir. Ürünün uygun miktarda su ile karıştırılıp sürülmesinden ibarettir. Ekonomik çözüm sağlar. UV ışınlarına karşı dayanıklıdır. |
Uygulama Alanları |
PERMO-CHIM CRYSTAL,temiz bir kap içine konur. Uygun miktarda su ile homojen bir karışım elde edilinceye kadar karıştırılır. Karışım yapıldıktan sonra 30-40 dakika içinde tüketilmelidir.PERMO-CHIM CRYSTAL fırça, rulo veya mala ile en az iki kat olarak uygulanır. Her kat bir önceki kat sertleşmeye başlarken, daha kurumadan uygulanmalıdır.Çatlaklar üzerinde veya yatay/düşey birleşim yerlerinde derz bandı, sıva filesi vb Taşıyıcı armatürlele uygulama yapılmalıdır. PERMO-CHIM CRYSTAL üzerine seramik veya fayans uygulanacaksa, taze uygulanmış PERMO-CHIM CRYSTAL üzerine direkt olarak fayans yapıştırıcısı sürülmelidir. Eğer PERMO-CHIM CRYSTAL kürünü almış ise, Yüzeydeki kristaller EMÜLZER KİREÇ VE TUZ TEMİZLEYİCİSİ ile silinmeli, üzerine sıva yapılmalı ve kaplama bu sıva üzerine tatbik edilmelidir. |
Sarfiyat |
Asgari iki kat ve toplam sarfiyat azami 4 kg/m2 olmak üzere, her katta 1 kg/m2 |
Ambalajları |
25 kg kraft torba |
Description |
As a single-component, cement-based, crystallized waterproofing mortar with capillar effect, Permo Chim Crystal waterproofs the concrete by permeating into it and forming crystals within. It is not a coating material. It is a waterproofing mortar containing high quality cement, silica and various chemicals which are activated by moisture. When the chemical additives react with the free lime found in the concrete, they permeate deep into the concrete and block water by forming water-insoluble crystals in cappillar cracks and pores, thus providing a very durable insulation that will be effective for years. The extent of crystal formation and permeability depends on the density of the concrete and absorption of the surface. |
Usage Area |
Effective in the direction of application (positive water pressure) as well as in the opposite direction (negative water pressure), it is used in pools, water tanks, cisterns and basements with rough or plastered concrete; against ground humidity and water leakage in slabs, foundations, retaining and shear walls, shear walls cast from a single mould, and elevator shafts; for waterproofing concrete planter boxes from outside; on the floors of damp environments such as bathrooms, kitchens, toilets, etc. to prevent water leakage to the storeys below; in mass concrete in dams; in the construction and waterproofing of galleries, and drainage, concrete pipe, and water channels; as a protective coating against defrosting salts in bridges, viaducts, and engineering works. |
Advantages |
It is applied onto damp surfaces. It can be applied onto the side exposed to water (positive water pressure) as well as the opposite side (negative water pressure) It forms a durable coating against negative water pressure. With perfect bonding to the structure it is applied, it provides a seamless, durable waterproofing, resistant to abrasion as well as to the formation of tears and holes. Because it does not contain any toxic materials, it can be safely used in potable water tanks. It is practical to use. You just mix the product with the proper amount of water and apply. It provides an economical solution. It is UV resistant. |
Application |
The surface to be treated must be clean and solid, and free from water repellent materials such as grease, rust, cement foam, paint residues, curing materials, release agent and silicon. The cracks found in the static, or non-moving parts of the building must be first enlarged and moisturized, and then repaired with Emulzer Latex added plaster and repair mortar. Any dynamic, or moving cracks must be insulated with elastic joint fillers applied onto moving joints. The areas prone to cracking such as pointed tips or horizontal/vertical intersections must be beveled. The surface must be saturated with plenty of water and kept moisturized during application. * Permo Chim Crystal is poured into a clean container, and mixed with 10 liters of water for brushing or 7 liters of water for trowelling until a homogenous mixture is obtained (for approximately 3 minutes with a low speed mixer). Water must be added to Permo Chim Crystal; never vice versa. And water must be added gradually, not all at once. * The mixture must be consumed within 25–40 minutes. It is useless to add water to solidified mixture. * Permo Chim Crystal is applied at least in two coats with a brush, roller, or trowel. Each coat must be applied as the former coat starts to solidify, and before it dries up. Each coat must be applied at right angle to the application of the former coat. * Cracks and vertical/horizontal seams must be reinforced with materials such as seam tape, plaster mesh, etc. *After the application of the last coat, the surface must be levelled with a soft, damp sponge. *After the application it is critical to prevent Permo Chim Crystal from drying fast, it must be kept damp for 5–7 days. This can be achieved by laying damp burlap, plastic, etc. and damping the concrete. Permo Chim Crystal must be protected from sun, freeze, wind and other undesirable weather conditions during the curing period. *If paint will be applied onto Permo Chim Crystal, it must be first plastered when it is still wet, and paint must be applied onto this plaster. And if ceramic or faience will be applied, a faience adhesive should be applied directly onto newly applied Permo Chim Crystal. * After having cured, crystals on the surface must be wiped off with Emulzer® Lime and Salt Remover, the surface must be plastered, and the coating must be applied onto this plaster layer. |
Consumption |
1 kg/m² for each coat; total consumption is 4 kg/m² maximum, with two coats minimum. |
Packaging |
25 kg kraft bag |